At Dyer & Butler, we’ve introduced a staged approach to staff wellbeing. It includes:

  • collecting data to gather insights into issues faced by staff
  • implementing wellbeing initiatives that address those issues
  • measuring the success of those initiatives. 

Below are the steps we took to achieve this and what might also work for you.

1. Decide which data to collect and how 

Having trained around 15% of our workforce in Mental Health First Aid, we realised this would be a great avenue for measuring the mental wellbeing of our workforce. So, we created a ‘conversation tool’ that allows us to collect confidential data on the conversations taking place between Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAs) and colleagues. 

The tool is a simple Microsoft form that allows us to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. The form is completed by MHFAs following a wellbeing conversation. It captures data including:

  • which MHFA had the conversation
  • where the conversation took place, i.e., in person or via telephone or email 
  • how long the conversation was
  • the topic of the conversation, i.e., stress
  • the outcome of the conversation, including where the person was signposted to for support
  • whether a follow-up conversation is required.