
Research Catalogue

Welcome to the RSSB research catalogue. The catalogue contains all projects from the 20+ years of the RSSB rail research programme. Please be mindful of the publication date when accessing findings and guidance.

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Research Project
End Date: 2024
Proposing refinements to the W10 and W12 freight gauges, to make them more useable and fit for purpose for operators and wagon builders. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Supporting wider adoption of curtain-sided freight containers on the network through good practice guidance. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Testing whether Railway Group Standard traction sand could provide improved adhesion compared to coarser ‘braking’ sand. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Using drones to inspect railway bridges and detect defects could deliver cost and safety benefits. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2023
A detailed review of ways to incentivise a transition to lower carbon forms of traction, capital and major refurbishment works. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2023
Developing a best practice guide on how to calculate the impact of changes on right-time performance. The guidance will support… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2023
Enabling the industry to understand if and how safety assurance approaches will need respond to technological developments in rail. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2023
New understanding of factors affecting leaf-induced low adhesion at the wheel-rail interface. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2023
The development of information that enables data consumers to make good decisions about data use. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2023
A new approach to designing robotic solutions for modernising train maintenance and servicing. Read More
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Research Project
End Date: 2002
This project investigated the feasibility of detecting rail flaws and other track faults by acoustically measuring the rolling noise generated by the… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2002
This project addresses the recommendations made by Lord Cullen in his first report on the Ladbroke Grove Rail Inquiry, relating to communication… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2002
Examining how a variety of transport maintenance organisations manage competence, highlighting areas for improvement that could improve railway… Read More
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Innovation Project
End Date: 2018
We are addressing incidents at the Platform Train Interface (PTI), specifically tackling safety and security. The Interactive Platform Simulator is… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2018
There is a lack of accurate information in relation to boarding and alighting. Staff and customers could access more information about services in… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2017
Train Operating Companies commonly score less highly in the National Rail Passenger Survey (NRPS) for how disruption is handled and information is… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2017
GPS data sources already exist on a large number of trains. However, this data may be in different formats, is not gathered in real-time and is not… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2017
The rail industry faces a tough challenge in improving operational performance and punctuality (industry PPM MAA steadily declined from 91.6% in March… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2017
Ticketing is still offered to customers in formats such as paper tickets and barcode. Customers are increasingly demanding greater convenience. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2017
Customers are currently given limited information about how busy each carriage is on a train, making it difficult to know where to board. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2017
WiFi is becoming more prominent on rail services, but there is a limited understanding of the capabilities it can enable and changes in behaviour we… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2016
Battery powered EMU which ran in passenger service in 2015. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2016
Consistent Rail Head Conditioning System through the use of an intelligent rail head conditioning unit. In times of slip the conditioning unit will… Read More