
Research Catalogue

Welcome to the RSSB research catalogue. The catalogue contains all projects from the 20+ years of the RSSB rail research programme. Please be mindful of the publication date when accessing findings and guidance.

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Research Project
End Date: 2020
This project investigated the technical and commercial feasibility of using Digital Displacement technology to reduce carbon emissions in the rail… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2020
The project investigated the potential to help optimise traction energy use on AC passenger networks through integrating storage technologies and… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2020
The lack of frameworks and standards presents a major obstacle to the safe and timely introduction of hydrogen-powered trains onto the GB network.  Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2019
This project evaluated the carbon impacts of existing and future fuel/energy sources including the carbon grid mix of electrification. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
A new type of high-efficiency hydraulic transmission for diesel powered rail vehicles that enables the recovery of braking energy. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2018
Use of Flywheel Technology as energy storage to create a hybrid flywheel powertrain to reduce emissions and fuel consumption by recovering braking… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2016
Battery powered EMU which ran in passenger service in 2015. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2016
Feasibility study to develop a concept design and establish the merits of a Fuel Cell Electric Multiple Unit (FCEMU). Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2016
Construction of a diesel‐electric hybrid power‐pack for efficient self-powered rail vehicles.  Read More
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Research Project
End Date: 2021
To assess the whole life implications of different traction, property and infrastructure options, a comprehensive understanding of the carbon impacts… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2021
Identifying operational solutions for battery powered trains. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2021
This research examined the challenge of how to replace and modify the existing diesel fleet of freight locomotives with less carbon intensive and air… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2021
The purpose of this research is to understand the maximum current that can be specified for overhead line and third rail at a standstill which will be… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2020
The role and costs of trackside battery systems and hydrogen supply for nonelectrified rail routes. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2020
This project aimed to quantify the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of a hybrid-electric high-speed railway vehicle with optimised control of its… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2020
This project assessed the feasibility of a single, accessible multi-stakeholder environment for whole systems modelling of decarbonisation/power… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2020
This project focused on developing a concept design for the infrastructure that will be required to support the development of a local railway depot… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2020
This project investigated the technical and commercial feasibility of using Digital Displacement technology to reduce carbon emissions in the rail… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2020
The project investigated the potential to help optimise traction energy use on AC passenger networks through integrating storage technologies and… Read More
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Applied filters: Complete (x) Underway (x) In Preparation (x) Sustainability (x) Capacity (x) Energy collection systems (x) Sustainable development (x) Train design - Components (x) On board power supplies and monitoring (x) Adaptation to climate change (x) Future technologies (x) Power supply (x) Rolling stock testing (x) Smart grids and energy harvesting (x) Other - Energy and electrification (x) Vehicle track dynamics (x) Braking systems (x) Customer services for freight (x) Commercial dynamics of transport (x) Overhead line equipment (x) Infrastructure asset management (x) Train design - Structure and crashworthiness (x) Other - Policy and decision making (x) Railways Interoperability (x) Education and competence (x) Operation of road-rail interfaces including level crossings (x) Rolling stock interiors (x) Value from data (x) Derailment (x) Other - Operations (x) Signalling - Train detection systems (x) Selection and training (x) Job design (x) Movement authorities and signalling systems (x) Safety decision support (x) Other - Infrastructure (x) Traffic supervision and management (x) Human performance (x) Wheel-rail interface (x) Keeping on-track staff safe (x) Safety data analysis (x) Track design and components (x) CCC asset management (x) Control and display systems (x) Revenue and ticketing (x) Signalling - People protection and warning systems including level crossings (x) Rolling stock maintenance (x) CCC system integration and life cycle management (x) Security management (x) Human reliability (x) Stations management and passenger flow (x) Social dynamics of transport (x) Data and communications systems (x) Gauging (x) Electrical safety (x) Rolling stock asset management (x) Culture (x) Rolling stock passenger comfort (x) Risk models (x) Customer services for passengers (x) Aerodynamics (x) Structures (x) Signalling - Train protection systems (x) Other - People behaviour and health (x) Other - Safety and risk (x) Station design (x) Adhesion (x) Accident investigation and learning (x) Human Factors in event reporting (x) Equipment workplace and environmental design (x) Operational Safety (x) Rolling stock condition monitoring and inspection (x) Rolling stock fire performance (x) Other - Control command and communication (x) Movement of trains (x) Rail Standardisation (x) Health and wellbeing (x) Other - Interfaces (x) Attitudes and behaviour (x) Other - Rolling stock (x) Energy metering and billing (x) Safety data collection (x) Whole system design and modelling (x) DECARB (x) CLEAR (x) FUTURE RISK (x) PERFORM (x) RESILIENT (x) ADHERE (x) FREIGHT (x) Clear date filter (x)
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Innovation Project
End Date: 2021
G‐volution’s technology permits existing engines to be evolved to dual‐fuel powertrains without needing significant rebuilding of the vehicle. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2021
Construction of a hybrid powered very light rail demonstrator vehicle. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
A new type of high-efficiency hydraulic transmission for diesel powered rail vehicles that enables the recovery of braking energy. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2018
Use of Flywheel Technology as energy storage to create a hybrid flywheel powertrain to reduce emissions and fuel consumption by recovering braking… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2016
Battery powered EMU which ran in passenger service in 2015. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2016
Feasibility study to develop a concept design and establish the merits of a Fuel Cell Electric Multiple Unit (FCEMU). Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2016
Construction of a diesel‐electric hybrid power‐pack for efficient self-powered rail vehicles.  Read More
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Applied filters: Complete (x) Underway (x) In Preparation (x) Sustainability (x) Capacity (x) Attitudes and behaviour (x) Other - Safety and risk (x) Health and wellbeing (x) Customer services for passengers (x) Other - Policy and decision making (x) Sustainable development (x) Station design (x) Other - Infrastructure (x) Future technologies (x) Adaptation to climate change (x) Culture (x) Power supply (x) Infrastructure asset management (x) Rolling stock maintenance (x) Human reliability (x) Commercial dynamics of transport (x) Train design - Components (x) Railways Interoperability (x) Wheel-rail interface (x) Track design and components (x) Social dynamics of transport (x) Other - Rolling stock (x) Other - Operations (x) Security management (x) Accident investigation and learning (x) Job design (x) Traffic supervision and management (x) Rolling stock asset management (x) Structures (x) Rolling stock condition monitoring and inspection (x) Train design - Structure and crashworthiness (x) Value from data (x) Vehicle track dynamics (x) Braking systems (x) Rolling stock passenger comfort (x) Risk models (x) Rolling stock testing (x) Energy collection systems (x) Customer services for freight (x) Other - People behaviour and health (x) Equipment workplace and environmental design (x) Operational Safety (x) Smart grids and energy harvesting (x) Human performance (x) Overhead line equipment (x) Adhesion (x) Whole system design and modelling (x) Education and competence (x) Operation of road-rail interfaces including level crossings (x) Selection and training (x) Other - Energy and electrification (x) Revenue and ticketing (x) Stations management and passenger flow (x) Data and communications systems (x) Electrical safety (x) Aerodynamics (x) Rolling stock fire performance (x) Rail Standardisation (x) Other - Interfaces (x) Safety data collection (x) Movement authorities and signalling systems (x) Safety data analysis (x) Movement of trains (x) Rolling stock interiors (x) Derailment (x) Signalling - Train detection systems (x) On board power supplies and monitoring (x) Safety decision support (x) Keeping on-track staff safe (x) CCC asset management (x) Control and display systems (x) Signalling - People protection and warning systems including level crossings (x) CCC system integration and life cycle management (x) Gauging (x) Signalling - Train protection systems (x) Human Factors in event reporting (x) Other - Control command and communication (x) Energy metering and billing (x) ADHERE (x) CLEAR (x) FUTURE RISK (x) DECARB (x) PERFORM (x) RESILIENT (x) FREIGHT (x) Clear date filter (x)




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Knowledge Search
End Date: 2024
A look at fitness to work criteria across a range of UK non-rail industries and in the Australian and Canadian rail industries. Read More
Knowledge Search
End Date: 2024
A survey of available sensor technologies, what benefits they could offer the rail industry, and how they should be deployed. Read More
Knowledge Search
End Date: 2024
A review of the literature on shift work and its impact on fatigue, accidents and broader aspects of health. Read More
Knowledge Search
End Date: 2024
A review of the hazards from lithium-ion batteries and setting out best practice for their use and storage. Read More
Knowledge Search
End Date: 2023
The benefits and risks of trackside green infrastructure, principles of managing it, and the role of new technologies. Read More
Knowledge Search
End Date: 2023
The psychological, physical, and productivity impacts of employees regularly working from home. Read More
Knowledge Search
End Date: 2023
An overview of the current use of wayfinding tactiles on the railway, their benefits and disadvantages, and the role of new digital wayfinding… Read More
Knowledge Search
End Date: 2023
Learning from other industries on applying artificial intelligence techniques to monitor and analyse voice communications. Read More
Knowledge Search
End Date: 2023
Information on crushable desk and knee bolsters to protect drivers in accidents. Read More
Knowledge Search
End Date: 2023
Reducing potential injuries from window breakages during accidents. Read More