The aim of the SPAD toolbox is to increase SPAD awareness and help train drivers easily find the information they need to reduce SPADs. 

In 2020, Network Rail carried out a comprehensive review of SPADs in the Southern region. This data was analysed to understand the most likely precursors of SPAD and how drivers could help prevent them. It revealed some interesting facts about SPADs in the Southern region, but the most important thing is the way the analysis has been used to help train drivers. By understanding where, when and how SPAD risk is most likely, the toolbox gives drivers highly relevant tools to help them reduce the risk of SPADs.

The SPAD toolbox is organised into sections with different themes so that drivers can understand the risks and ways to help manage them for each theme. We also signpost you to further resources that can help you. The themes covered are: 

  • the first and final five miles of each journey
  • cognitive underload
  • the influence of the time of day
  • empty coaching stock (ECS) trains
  • precursors to SPADs and the importance of reporting events
  • expectation bias
  • focus on freight

We hope you and your colleagues find this useful.