
Research Catalogue

Welcome to the RSSB research catalogue. The catalogue contains all projects from the 20+ years of the RSSB rail research programme. Please be mindful of the publication date when accessing findings and guidance.

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Research Project
End Date: 2019
This feasibility study used machine learning techniques to provide insights into to-the-second timing patterns for station dwell times and… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2019
Demonstrating techniques for evaluating low adhesion forecasts at a range of temporal and spatial scales with a view to developing future standards. Read More
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Applied filters: Complete (x) Underway (x) In Preparation (x) Sustainability (x) Capacity (x) Customer services for passengers (x) Stations management and passenger flow (x) Rolling stock maintenance (x) Customer services for freight (x) Sustainable development (x) Other - Operations (x) Other - Infrastructure (x) Wheel-rail interface (x) Revenue and ticketing (x) Commercial dynamics of transport (x) Social dynamics of transport (x) Data and communications systems (x) Rolling stock asset management (x) Culture (x) Rolling stock passenger comfort (x) Station design (x) Movement of trains (x) Health and wellbeing (x) Other - Interfaces (x) Attitudes and behaviour (x) Other - Rolling stock (x) Other - Policy and decision making (x) Smart grids and energy harvesting (x) Railways Interoperability (x) Education and competence (x) Operation of road-rail interfaces including level crossings (x) Rolling stock interiors (x) Value from data (x) Vehicle track dynamics (x) Derailment (x) Signalling - Train detection systems (x) On board power supplies and monitoring (x) Adaptation to climate change (x) Selection and training (x) Job design (x) Movement authorities and signalling systems (x) Safety decision support (x) Rolling stock testing (x) Traffic supervision and management (x) Other - Energy and electrification (x) Energy collection systems (x) Human performance (x) Future technologies (x) Braking systems (x) Keeping on-track staff safe (x) Safety data analysis (x) Track design and components (x) CCC asset management (x) Control and display systems (x) Signalling - People protection and warning systems including level crossings (x) CCC system integration and life cycle management (x) Security management (x) Human reliability (x) Gauging (x) Electrical safety (x) Train design - Components (x) Risk models (x) Aerodynamics (x) Structures (x) Signalling - Train protection systems (x) Other - People behaviour and health (x) Other - Safety and risk (x) Overhead line equipment (x) Adhesion (x) Accident investigation and learning (x) Human Factors in event reporting (x) Equipment workplace and environmental design (x) Operational Safety (x) Rolling stock condition monitoring and inspection (x) Power supply (x) Rolling stock fire performance (x) Other - Control command and communication (x) Rail Standardisation (x) Infrastructure asset management (x) Train design - Structure and crashworthiness (x) Energy metering and billing (x) Safety data collection (x) Whole system design and modelling (x) PERFORM (x) ADHERE (x) CLEAR (x) FUTURE RISK (x) DECARB (x) RESILIENT (x) FREIGHT (x) Clear date filter (x)
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Research Project
COF-UOH-66 and COF-ECO-10
End Date: 2022
This research project aimed to examine potential opportunities to lower the design, maintenance and operation costs of infrastructure and rolling… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2020
The framework aims to enable and underpin the development of appraisal guidelines that assist the selection and justification of accessibility… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2020
Understanding the scope for telecommunications data to fill gaps in existing the data available for econometric railway demand analysis. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2020
Kneeling Trains is a new technology aimed at removing or reducing the gap and step between the train and the platform. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2022
A proof-of-concept tool with guidance for developing business cases using the Health and Wellbeing Index. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2023
Modelling the impact on train performance of maintenance work done by rail depots, to estimate its value in terms of delay minutes and passenger time.… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2023
A standard appraisal framework for demonstrating the benefits of rail accessibility interventions. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Looking at the impact of opening new through stations on demand on exisiting lines, to improve demand forecasting. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2023
The appraisal of new rail lines and stations: review of practice and development of methods. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2017
This research sought to examine more efficient ways of extending wheelset life on trains by reprofiling on wheel lathes. Read More
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