
Podcast highlights: Season 2, Episode 1

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What to expect from our Strategic Business Plan

Chief Executive Mark Phillips talks about our Strategic Business Plan for the next five years. The plan paints a bold vision for the rail industry’s future. It captures our commitment to driving innovation and embracing digital advancements.

Mark explores the goals we’ve set to ensure that by 2030, every rail employee will be using an RSSB tool or service daily. This underscores our focus on relevance and applicability; it’s important that we equip the industry for today and for the future.

Our 2024–29 Strategic Business Plan is a declaration of a new direction for the sector. Under it, we’ll embrace change, sustainability, and technology to help create a better future for rail employees and customers alike.

Key takeaways

  • Digital transformation. This at the heart of the plan. Mark discusses the untapped potential of data analysis and AI to transform decision-making and asset management. That will be key for improving performance and cutting costs. Mark’s excitement for digital transformation captures the optimism that runs through the plan. 
  • Strategic multipliers. Mark talks about our new ‘strategic multipliers’. These combine the expertise of different RSSB departments to generate greater value. They can help us better tackle more complex issues, like climate change readiness.
  • Applicability. Our goals are applicable across all levels of the industry, from frontline to executive. By 2030, we hope every rail employee—regardless of their role—is using an RSSB tool or service daily.
  • Sustainability principles. Mark also highlights our sustainable development goals. The Sustainable Rail Blueprint will be integrated into rail operations on a larger scale. For example, we’ll offer templates and tools to our members to help them build more eco-friendly operations. 
  • Train performance. Rail is seeing challenges in performance. However, our five-year plan offers a roadmap for improvement. For instance, Mark mentions that research on better timetabling and freight pathing will help enhance service reliability.

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