About Transport for Wales

Transport for Wales (TfW) is a train operating company that operates train services across Wales and border network. 

What do you get out of RSSB membership?

RSSB provides TfW with the opportunity to network and learn from industry best practice. Furthermore, there are numerous helpful tools that are industry aligned and useful resources as well as on-going access to standards, guidance, good-practice, tools, research and on-going support. 

Your level of involvement with RSSB

TfW are involved with SMIS+, Jaspersoft use and Risk Modelling and attend the SMIS user group and the annual risk management forum regularly. Earlier this year, TfW  attended one of the many R&D showcase events. 

TfW have and continue to collaborate with RSSB, some examples of this are on the rule book changes, PTI Risk assessment tool and industry projects such as NTS, investigation training and RBTNA.

Membership benefits

Being a member of the RSSB has been beneficial for TfW. 

TfW would recommend RSSB to other organisations, because they offer expert knowledge in different fields and a place to standardise subjects. RSSB members will also benefit from utilising the resources and support available.

By working with subject matter experts RSSB have produced great products and services, and this can be enhanced by working more closely with users.