Platform Train Interface - RSSB Graphic Insights
PTI events
A PTI event is any accident that happens as someone passes through the PTI. This includes common events, such as tripping over the step as they board a train. It includes rarer events, too, such as falling down the gap between the train and the platform. It also includes events where there is no train waiting at the platform, such as someone falling off the platform straight onto the track.
Click the buttons below to watch PTI events and read about their causes.
There are many ways to prevent incidents at the PTI, including:
- keeping platform furniture away from the platform edge
- having a well-lit platform that is clean and free of tripping hazards
- ensuring drivers apply the final train safety check using cameras or other staff
- using tactile paving, which can make the PTI safer for those with impaired vision if applied well
- reducing the step-gap between the platform and trains by building and/or modifying trains and platforms. A smaller step-gap also improves accessibility for wheelchair users as staff can deploy portable ramps. Additionally, if the step-gap is small enough, passengers in wheelchairs can board a train unassisted.
Passenger-related risks
Falling off the platform edge is the biggest fatality risk that passengers face. But there are several other passenger-related fatality risks at the PTI. Fatalities can result from many types of PTI event, but they are more likely when an event 'escalates' - that is, when something happens that makes it worse. For example, if the train is allowed to move after someone has fallen down the gap between the train and platform.
Click on the PTI Risk Breakdown boxes below to see the types of risk at the PTI.
PTI events, learnings and solutions
It is regrettable that there have been many fatal and near-fatal PTI incidents over the years and that fatalities continue to happen. Each one informs the way we see and manage the PTI today. We also learn from the Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB)’s investigations into PTI incidents.
Click the bubbles below to read findings from RAIB’s investigations.
Click on the following bubbles to find out more about RSSB led PTI initiatives.
How RSSB helps its members manage PTI risk
RSSB has developed resources and workstreams to help duty holders understand and manage PTI risk. Through collaboration, these resources will evolve into an industry PTI strategy. The strategy will underpin the way we manage PTI risk.
Click the icons to see our resources.
With engaged industry partners, the use of standards, tools, research and good practice produced and coordinated by RSSB lets us collectively understand and reduce PTI risk, while also collaborating to guide further development.
Closing remarks
Over 50% of passenger fatality risk happens at the PTI, making this a key improvement area to enhance passenger safety. We need both a coordinated approach under the guidance and accountability of an effective strategy and committed cross-industry collaboration to reduce PTI risk. Work on this strategy will begin in 2024.
RSSB can use the contents of RAIB reports as per the conditions included at the front of the reports.