
New rail industry metrics pave the way for a sustainable future

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Rail industry takes significant step towards sustainable future with new metrics

The Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) has released a groundbreaking report outlining a series of metrics and indicators to assess the rail industry's performance against the Nature and Water Flagship Goals of the Sustainable Rail Blueprint. The report, commissioned by RSSB and delivered by Ricardo, provides a roadmap for the industry to measure and improve its environmental impact.

The Sustainable Rail Blueprint, a comprehensive industry-wide strategy, aims to make the GB railway industry more sustainable. The new metrics will be integrated into the Sustainable Rail Data Framework (SRDF), enabling the industry to monitor progress and report on its sustainability performance.

Key recommendations from the report include:

  • Prioritising the use of existing data sources to minimise the burden on industry.
  • Focusing on metrics that are easy to measure and relevant to the industry's sustainability goals.
  • Identifying core metrics for immediate implementation, such as habitat condition and water usage.
  • Recognising the need for future-proofing the industry by considering more ambitious, progressive metrics.

By adopting these metrics, the rail industry can demonstrate its commitment to environmental sustainability and contribute to a greener future. RSSB will continue to support the industry in implementing these recommendations and driving positive change.

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