
Research Catalogue

Welcome to the RSSB research catalogue. The catalogue contains all projects from the 20+ years of the RSSB rail research programme. Please be mindful of the publication date when accessing findings and guidance.

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Research Project
End Date: 2026
A PhD studentship looking at how contaminated rail conditions change with the weather, as well as how contamination develops and the linked changes to… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
A PhD studentship to improve understanding of low adhesion friction in transience, and develop an on-train prediction system. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Developing and evaluating enzyme treatments for breaking down the black layer of leaf film that causes low adhesion on the railhead. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Understanding the effect of leaf type and condition, and environmental and operational factors, on the bonding strength of the black leaf film that… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Developing a version of the LABRADOR low adhesion train braking simulation software that is capable of running in real time. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
AI could help deliver earlier warnings of low adhesion conditions, helping staff make better, more evidence-based decisions about mitigation. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Testing the effects of enhanced sand products to reduce the risk of wheel/rail isolation and increase flow rates to improve performance in low… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Testing whether Railway Group Standard traction sand could provide improved adhesion compared to coarser ‘braking’ sand. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2023
New understanding of factors affecting leaf-induced low adhesion at the wheel-rail interface. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2023
Fundamental science reveals the mechanisms behind low adhesion and how industry can better assess low adhesion risk. Read More
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Research Project
End Date: 2026
A PhD studentship looking at how contaminated rail conditions change with the weather, as well as how contamination develops and the linked changes to… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
A PhD studentship to improve understanding of low adhesion friction in transience, and develop an on-train prediction system. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Developing and evaluating enzyme treatments for breaking down the black layer of leaf film that causes low adhesion on the railhead. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Understanding the effect of leaf type and condition, and environmental and operational factors, on the bonding strength of the black leaf film that… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Developing a version of the LABRADOR low adhesion train braking simulation software that is capable of running in real time. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
AI could help deliver earlier warnings of low adhesion conditions, helping staff make better, more evidence-based decisions about mitigation. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Testing the effects of enhanced sand products to reduce the risk of wheel/rail isolation and increase flow rates to improve performance in low… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Testing whether Railway Group Standard traction sand could provide improved adhesion compared to coarser ‘braking’ sand. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2023
New understanding of factors affecting leaf-induced low adhesion at the wheel-rail interface. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2023
Fundamental science reveals the mechanisms behind low adhesion and how industry can better assess low adhesion risk. Read More
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Applied filters: Complete (x) Underway (x) In Preparation (x) Sustainability (x) Safety (x) Capacity (x) Cost (x) Customer (x) Braking systems (x) Adhesion (x) Wheel-rail interface (x) Other - Energy and electrification (x) Train design - Components (x) Smart grids and energy harvesting (x) Railways Interoperability (x) Education and competence (x) Operation of road-rail interfaces including level crossings (x) Rolling stock interiors (x) Value from data (x) Vehicle track dynamics (x) Derailment (x) Other - Operations (x) Signalling - Train detection systems (x) On board power supplies and monitoring (x) Adaptation to climate change (x) Selection and training (x) Job design (x) Movement authorities and signalling systems (x) Safety decision support (x) Rolling stock testing (x) Other - Infrastructure (x) Traffic supervision and management (x) Energy collection systems (x) Human performance (x) Future technologies (x) Keeping on-track staff safe (x) Safety data analysis (x) Track design and components (x) CCC asset management (x) Control and display systems (x) Revenue and ticketing (x) Signalling - People protection and warning systems including level crossings (x) Rolling stock maintenance (x) CCC system integration and life cycle management (x) Customer services for freight (x) Sustainable development (x) Security management (x) Human reliability (x) Commercial dynamics of transport (x) Stations management and passenger flow (x) Social dynamics of transport (x) Data and communications systems (x) Gauging (x) Electrical safety (x) Rolling stock asset management (x) Culture (x) Rolling stock passenger comfort (x) Risk models (x) Customer services for passengers (x) Aerodynamics (x) Structures (x) Signalling - Train protection systems (x) Other - People behaviour and health (x) Other - Safety and risk (x) Overhead line equipment (x) Station design (x) Accident investigation and learning (x) Human Factors in event reporting (x) Equipment workplace and environmental design (x) Operational Safety (x) Rolling stock condition monitoring and inspection (x) Power supply (x) Rolling stock fire performance (x) Other - Control command and communication (x) Movement of trains (x) Rail Standardisation (x) Health and wellbeing (x) Other - Interfaces (x) Infrastructure asset management (x) Attitudes and behaviour (x) Other - Rolling stock (x) Train design - Structure and crashworthiness (x) Other - Policy and decision making (x) Energy metering and billing (x) Safety data collection (x) Whole system design and modelling (x) ADHERE (x) CLEAR (x) FUTURE RISK (x) DECARB (x) PERFORM (x) RESILIENT (x) FREIGHT (x) Clear date filter (x)
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Results per page:

Innovation Project
End Date: 2020
The project will create an advanced braking control system which optimises the braking performance of the existing friction and dynamic braking. It… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
Cryogenic (dry ice) cleaning effectively removes oxide and leaf contamination from rail. This novel technology fires cryogenic pellets at the… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
A robust, simple and low-cost solution to deliver improvements in adhesion by delivering a small amount of water to the rails in front of the train in… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
This braking solution uses known technology in a novel way to improve train braking performance, even in low-adhesion conditions. The 'Zero Wheel Slip… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
Using plasma technology to clear the residue from railhead, returning the surface to a dry, clean and uncontaminated state with detriment to the rail… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2016
Consistent Rail Head Conditioning System through the use of an intelligent rail head conditioning unit. In times of slip the conditioning unit will… Read More