Specifically the project:

  • Analysed the causes of suicides and trespass on railway property based on existing data, studies and research results
  • Identified the various available prevention and mitigation measures and analyse their conditions for success in the rail environment
  • Undertook field tests of selected measures and evaluated their effectiveness
  • Developed a toolbox of the most relevant and cost-effective measures and recommendations at European level both to reduce the occurrence of incidents as well as to manage incidents and reduce consequences.

The toolbox is designed to help railway undertakings (RUs), infrastructure managers (IMs), station managers and other concerned decision makers in three ways:

  • Lead them through the process of selecting from the range of preventative and mitigation measures included in the toolkit
  • Provide more detailed guidance on the implementation of those measures
  • Provide a framework for collecting and structuring information in order to feed an accessible and documented database on measures for implementation and efficiency across the rail community and beyond.

General guidance on how to understand the problem, select the best measures, how to plan the implementation and how to evaluate the implemented measures are described in the general guidance.