Company - 4RC Environmental Limited

What’s the issue being addressed? 

4RC Environmental Limited was set up to address the problem of new, used and end of life PPE being sent to landfill, as well as ensuring that branded PPE items are securely destroyed.

For example, when a project comes to an end PPE items often have a project specific or company name and logo on them.  This can make the item unsuitable for further use due to security issues.  There is also often branded PPE that has been ordered during the life of the project but has never been worn.  All of these items are generally thrown away, mostly to landfill.

How was this solved? 

4RC Environmental Limited takes PPE from the customer and identifies items that can be reused and those that cannot.  Items that can be reused are laundered and sent back to the customer or laundered and de-branded so that they can either be sold on to prolong their life or given away to charities. The re-use of these items means that PPE which is normally sent to landfill can be used again, reducing the need to purchase new PPE and resulting in cost savings and environmental benefits.  

Items that cannot be reused are recycled or sent to an energy recovery facility where the ash from the combustion process is used in the construction industry.  A full laundry service is also offered to the customer, which prolongs the life of PPE items, especially gloves.  The laundry of gloves offers the customer the biggest financial savings as gloves are often the item that is replaced most frequently.

What were the outcomes?

100% of the items collected are either reused, recycled or securely disposed.  Examples of how items are reused or recycled include:

  • Hard hats can be recycled into traffic cones or other plastic products
  • Boots can be cleaned and used by charities
  • Gloves can be cleaned, inspected, paired up and reused
  • Trousers can be cleaned, inspected and reused
  • Upper body garments can be cleaned, de-branded and reused


Reducing our environmental impact, optimising the railway

Asset/ Operations


Organisation type

Private Limited Company