
The objective of the PTI-WG is to develop an industry-agreed strategy for the PTI that:

  • reduces safety risk and optimises operational performance and availability of access in a manner that promotes the long-term best interests of the mainline railway system
  • reflects the wide range of performance and engineering issues surrounding the PTI
  • accounts for both the short- and long-term needs of the industry
  • where appropriate, defines the research needed to develop and deliver the strategy
  • has industry buy-in for the implementation of the strategy.

The funding arrangements or proposed funding arrangements for any actions that are recommended should be identified.


The group’s membership is made up of the following industry categories:

  • passenger train operators
  • rolling stock owners and leasing companies
  • infrastructure managers and owners
  • RSSB
  • Department for Transport (observer)
  • Office of Rail and Road (observer).

Chair of committee: Luke Burgess, South Western Railway