
The Telematic Applications for Freight (TAF) NTSN provides technical information on the telematics applications subsystem and applies to applications for freight services. This includes information systems (real-time monitoring of freight and trains), marshalling and allocation systems, reservation, payment and invoicing systems, management of connections with other modes of transport and production of electronic accompanying documents.

The Telematic Applications for Passenger Services (TAP) NTSN provides technical information on the telematics applications subsystem and applies to applications for passenger services. This includes systems providing passengers with information before and during the journey, reservation and payment systems, luggage management, and management of connections between trains and with other modes of transport.

The TAF TAP TSI NTSN MG discusses, and considers the detail of, the two TSIs and the impact on GB when either of them change.

The responsibilities of the TAF TAP TSI NTSN MG are defined in its remit, downloadable from the resources section below.

Read our remit


The TAF TAP TSI NTSN MG has members representing these industry stakeholders:

  • freight and non-passenger train operators
  • infrastructure managers and owners
  • passenger train operators.

Chair of committee: Andrew Graham, RSSB
RSSB main representative: Wayne Murphy