
Keeping Passengers Safe on the Platform

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The Platform Train Interface (PTI) is a term used to describe the area where trains and platforms meet, and where people get on and off trains. It plays a critical role in ensuring safe journeys for millions of passengers who use UK railways daily. However, the PTI can also pose significant risks if not adequately managed. That's why we developed the PTI Risk Assessment Tool. 

The PTI Risk Assessment Tool is an essential tool for identifying potential safety risks and assessing the effectiveness of safety management arrangements around the PTI. Now the tool has been improved and relaunched, with new features designed to help users focus on key areas that require attention. For example, a more user-friendly interface allows for a smoother user experience, while the new ability to assign actions and record recommendations streamlines the risk management process.

In addition, the updated suite of customisable questions allows for more tailored assessments that can address specific needs at each station. Moreover, users can now benchmark stations on the line of route, highlighting comparative strengths and weaknesses across different sites. This is especially useful for train operating companies that want to compare their safety arrangements across different stations and routes.

Another significant update is the ability to upload supporting documents. This feature allows users to attach relevant files, such as photographs or reports, to an assessment. This will be helpful when describing specific risks, and the required controls are best illustrated with images. By adding these documents, all users of the tool (including other assessors) can access the file and ensure safe risk management.

So now you can:

  • Maximise your railway network safety with our intelligent tool.
  • Easily assess a wide variety of platform and train combinations, and choose between a basic or more detailed assessment.
  • Add photographs and documents to assessments for added accuracy. Automate report generation and customisable assessment questions to enhance efficiency.
  • Use our unique risk exposure versus risk control score comparison feature to make even better-informed decisions.
  • Collaborate with other companies, monitor all company station scores, and take advantage of our expert technical helpdesk.
  • Enjoy complete control over your team, and receive personalised company recommendations – all in one comprehensive, user-friendly tool.

To support people using the new updated tool, we have improved the training videos. These videos provide a walkthrough for users through the tool, from starting a new assessment to reviewing the results. The videos also include tips to help people maximising the tool's potential.

The refreshed Platform Train Interface Risk Assessment Tool is a comprehensive and versatile solution for assessing and managing risks in the railway's PTI. Its new features and updates enhance its usability and functionality, ensuring that it can be tailored to specific stations and routes' needs. The new ability to benchmark different stations' safety arrangements facilitates a more targeted approach to improving safety. The tool's versatility and simplicity are its strengths, allowing assessors to focus efforts on the essential areas that require attention to protect passengers and staff.

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