
What’s in store for 2024?

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RSSB’s 2024–25 Annual Business Plan outlines the key focus areas for the rail industry this year. At the highest level, it calls for a data-driven approach to decision-making as well as ongoing industry collaboration.

Cost reduction is a primary target, especially in standards, system safety, and health. Performance is another vital area. We’ll help industry better meet the expectations of both passengers and the freight sector.

Indeed, customer satisfaction is a priority. The focus there will be on public health, the platform-train interface, and trespass and suicide.

System reliability and resilience are also key, and we’ll make efforts to improve data usage and defect reporting. The wider adoption of new technologies, particularly AI, will be targeted. Freight growth and safety are highlighted in the plan as well; it will be important to work towards the government’s goal of growing rail freight by 75% by 2050.

Striking an important balance

The plan also discusses the challenges of operating within tight budgets and the need for innovation to drive efficiency. It outlines RSSB’s role in supporting members to meet these challenges and the opportunities for collaboration that will strengthen the industry.

All the while, there’s a need to address rail’s value to society and sustainability, with particular attention on air quality, noise, and pollution. Investment in these areas will be central to ensuring success and greener future for rail.

Overall, the Annual Business Plan sets a clear direction for the industry. It’s a call to action for everyone in rail to work together. This way, we can all contribute to the sector’s ongoing growth and improvement.

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