Case Study: TfL reflects on 30 years of their successful Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service, DAATS
TfL has been supporting the mental health and wellbeing of their employees through DAATS for over 30 years. Jasmine Bayliss, Human Factors Specialist at RSSB, sat down with Elizabeth Darlison, Senior DAATS and Therapies Manager at TfL, to find out more.
Why was DAATS set up?
On 8 January 1991, a packed commuter train failed to stop and collided with the buffers at Cannon Street mainline rail station in London. Two people were killed and 542 were injured. Three days after the accident, the driver tested positive for cannabis.
The following year, major changes to the law were introduced which required random drug and alcohol testing in the workplace for all safety-critical employees. That same year, DAATS became part of the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) operating under the Drug and Alcohol Policy. The first employee came forward for support on 1 February 1993.
What is the purpose of DAATS and how does it work?
DAATS was set up to help employees who are experiencing problems with alcohol or drugs with the aim of a safe and timely return to the workplace. The service is for any employee that comes forward believing that they have, or are developing, a drink or drug problem. If an employee comes forward (either through self-referral, manager, or doctor’s referral) and admits an alcohol or drug problem, they can receive the full support and care of DAATS and retain their employment at TfL. If an employee does not come forward and it comes out that they have a problem with alcohol or drugs, then their employment is terminated. They will not receive any treatment from DAATS.
Our team also provides advice to managers and other parts of the business. For example, we may get phone calls from managers telling us they are worried about an employee, asking how they can have a conversation with them. Having a good manager who can make them feel safe and comfortable makes it much easier for a struggling employee to open up. When they do, the manager can then refer them to us. The conversation they have with the manager is often the beginning of their recovery journey.
What happens when an employee comes to DAATS?
When an employee first arrives at DAATS, they have an initial 90-minute assessment with one of our specialised practitioners. This helps us to understand why they have been referred to us and to ensure that they are in the right place.
We will then work with the employee over the next three weeks to assess what that person needs to be able to return to work safely and quickly. It’s important to understand the root cause of the addiction. We have found that the most effective way of finding out what is going on with this person is to carry out the assessments in groups. In group settings, people tend to feel more comfortable. There will often be other people in the group who are experiencing similar things and it’s very reassuring for people to hear ‘I’m going through that too.’ And ‘you are not alone.’
The DAATS assessment usually takes three weeks. There are many outcomes or recommended treatments, depending on the needs of the individual. We work together transparently. Some employees attend residential treatment, others may need therapeutic support that we can offer in-house, or a supportive plan to enable a safe return to work.
After the initial assessment, around 50% of those who have come to DAATS are sent for residential treatment. The other half, who are already showing signs of improvement, will have six to eight 1:1 counselling sessions with a DAATS counsellor before returning to work.
We continue to support employees after they have received treatment by holding weekly therapeutic sessions for six months. These sessions are run in groups. This provides a space for them to speak about anything they are struggling with, anything they need, and hear that other people are also on the same difficult journey.
Employees are welcome to come back to DAATS at any time after their treatment if they find themselves struggling and we will offer further support. We provide an ‘open door’ policy, 1:1 therapy, regular reviews, reunions, and specialised events for those who have received any kind of treatment from us.
What happens when an employee gets sent to a residential treatment centre?
The employee will stay at the residential treatment centre for 12 weeks. There they will receive round-the-clock support and care, working with specialised therapists to help them overcome their addiction. The residential treatment centre acts as a safe place, away from any triggers, for the person to open up. In this environment, they can address why they have an addiction and why they use alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism.
How do you decide which treatment centres to work with?
Every four years, TfL go to tender to choose the treatment centres we work with. At the moment, we are working with five treatment centres.
We work very closely with the treatment centres before the employee’s arrival, making sure everything is ready and that suitable treatment can be provided from the start. We will also make sure employees only go to a treatment centre far away from where they live. This reduces the temptation to go back home and ensures that they are away from any of their potential triggers.
Each of our treatment centres offer different facilities, which enables us to tailor the needs of the employee to the treatment centre. This allows the employee to receive maximum possible support.
Do employees have to pay for any of their treatment at DAATS?
TfL invests significant sums of money in operating DAATS. The costs of assessing and treating employees though DAATS are substantially met by TfL. An employee is expected to contribute a fixed sum of £750 if they attend residential treatment which forms part of the treatment process. This payment is made directly to the treatment centre as part of the employee taking responsibility for their well-being. This helps them feel empowered to choose to get better.
All after care treatment and future support provided by us is free of charge. All employees receive 100% pay for the duration of their treatment at the residential centre.
If an employee expresses an interest to stay longer in treatment, this is something we can accommodate on a case-by-case basis with the line manager—depending on the circumstances.
Is everything between DAATS and the employee confidential?
Yes. Only DAATS and the employees line manager will know that they are receiving treatment. Confidentiality whilst under the care of DAATS is absolutely essential. Nothing is shared without the permission of the employee. Any shared information must be appropriate and necessary for the next steps. Nothing told to us during assessments or counselling sessions is shared with anyone. The only time this information may be shared is with the therapists at the treatment centres if the employee gives their consent.
What are the conditions of receiving treatment?
After an employee has received treatment, they must remain 100% abstinent from drugs and or alcohol for the remainder of their employment with TfL. If not, the employee’s contract may be terminated as they may be in breach of their TfL or DAATS agreement. They will not be able to receive further treatment through DAATS.
Those who have received treatment will also be subject to additional drug and alcohol testing on top of the testing all employees receive. This forms part of TfL's due diligence responsibility and the law related to Transport and Works Act 1992.
How do you spread awareness of DAATS to employees?
The most effective way we spread awareness is through the employees who have been through DAATS. They are often the biggest advocates for our services. They are usually so excited to share what they have achieved that they want to come and talk about their experiences. They are often very open about what they have been through. They are also good at sharing their experiences more informally with other employees. They are proud of the tremendous amount of work they have done to completely turn their life around—they want to tell everyone, it’s amazing. It really helps other employees who may need our services feel more able to come forward and ask for help.
Proactively raising awareness is something we are working on. We are planning a series of roadshows, where we visit different sites—operationally and non-operationally—and talk about DAATS. We are also planning to join employee away days to help spread the message of what DAATS offers. We send emails too, but have found that speaking face to face is usually best. And creating connections helps realise that the stigma and stories that are often believed, are not true.
How do you measure the success of DAATS?
We measure impact qualitatively and quantitively. We annually review all DAATS employees for a seven-year period. This helps us see how employees are doing and if they need any support. to help track our outcomes. We are constantly reminded of how employee realise their potential, and talents within the business, moving onwards and upwards!
We also monitor historical records of a DAATS employee's status over a 20-year period. This allows us to show the return on investment to the business. We can therefore remain as a secure investment for the business to continue to invest.
The average cost of the treatment ‘pathway’ is less than 15% of what it would cost to replace, for example, an experienced train operator.
What impact has DAATS had at TfL?
In 30 years, over 3,000 employees have accessed the DAATS service. Around 90% of employees that used our services have been able to return to work. In the outside world this figure is usually less. The World Health Organisation (WHO), state 33% of people do not recover, 33% relapse, the remaining 33% die.
Of the 51 clients seen and treated by DAATS in 2022, 28 employees went to residential treatment. Fifty employees have a made a successful return to work.
Since 2004, over 400 employees have successfully completed residential treatment and returned to their role. Many have become DAATS ambassadors, who regularly return to share their experience with the employees that have come forward more recently.
Our industry-leading gold service allows us to retain grateful, talented, and experienced employees, returning significant investment back to the business.
Why is DAATs so important?
DAATS is life changing. In some cases, its help and support has actually saved people’s lives. And it’s not just the individuals whose lives completely change—their loved ones’ lives have changed for the better, too.
We are proud and humbled by the bravery of those who come forward and used our services.
Nobody can explain the service better than our employees who have been through it.
‘I can hardly believe that today I am three years sober. Life is pretty good. I'm a union H&S rep now—perfect attendance, apart from getting COVID last Xmas. I spend my free time at the gym and am back into the same size jeans I wore when I was 20 years old. It's nice to be happy and healthy.’
‘In a strange way, it feels like the whole substance abuse thing happened to someone else. Yet, I am always conscious of it and never complacent. It's surprisingly easy though, and despite no progress with seeing my children I'm still trying to be the zen master.’
‘Today I am celebrating by spending the day driving a car at the race track, and of course will be sending you special gratitude for all that you have done to make this happen for me.’
‘Another big milestone. I was two-years sober last Saturday 5th June. As ever and always, my eternal gratitude and thanks for all you have done for me.’
What is next for DAATS?
We will continue to provide our current services going forward. We have also introduced support for gambling. We are treating gambling addictions in a similar way to drugs and alcohol.
If it is felt that the individual would benefit from going to a treatment centre and their only addiction is gambling, we are able to send them to a government funded addiction centre. We work with external agencies to provide support for gambling addictions, but it is something we are seeing more of. We know we could make an enormous difference to people with this addiction.
What advice would you give to other organisations in the industry looking at setting up a similar DAATS?
It is important that they are really careful about planning, understanding the limitations of the services, and setting up robust procedures and boundaries. They need to make sure they completely understand what they will be providing and how it will be structured and managed. They need to go through all of the ‘what if’ scenarios and know what they would do in all situations before introducing the service. They will need to make sure they have people with the right expertise running the service. Trained therapists who are subject matter experts in the fields of trauma and addiction are needed. They should be qualified group practitioners, with a clear understanding of the recovery journey and a developmental approach towards trauma on our bodies and our minds.
It is also critical team members continue to take full responsibility for themselves as therapists to maintain an exceptional level of self-care and continued personal development. We pay close attention to our needs as professionals, leading by example towards a holistic self-care regime.
We are happy to speak with anyone who is considering introducing a similar service to share our knowledge, expertise, and over 30 years of experience operating a unique in-house service.