
Investors in Wellbeing is a standard that helps businesses focus on creating and maintaining a proactive, engaging approach to employee wellbeing. It uses three key indicators to assess performance in this area:

  • leading a culture of wellbeing
  • supporting a culture of wellbeing
  • improving a culture of wellbeing.

Gaining this renowned accreditation recognises the many months of hard work by RSSB colleagues to create an integrated, joined-up approach to wellbeing. In doing so, we’ve been able to demonstrate the breadth of our initiatives and prove our dedication to supporting happy, healthy people.

While it was recognised that RSSB enjoys a broad, organisation-wide culture of care and support, we’re particularly proud of the fact that:

  • Our people understand and support each other’s health and wellbeing.
  • Senior managers take wellbeing very seriously, viewing it as an equally important discussion topic as our business objectives.
  • As a business, we focus on cultivating practices, processes, and environments that foster good wellbeing at work.

Commenting on the accreditation, Keith Hanlon-Smith, our Chief People Officer, said: ‘Achieving Investors in Wellbeing (Gold) on our first assessment is a fantastic result. It reflects the fact that we truly care about wellbeing at RSSB. As well as having a well-thought-out strategy, wellbeing is ingrained in our decision making, as it should be. This accreditation, along with our other recent certifications, helps us to ensure that we have the capability within the business to support our members and customers.’

But achieving this gold accreditation doesn’t mean we can stop here. We’re on a mission to keep strengthening our wellbeing culture and offerings. And to ensure ongoing success, we’ve identified five priority areas for wellbeing:

  • preventative health
  • healthy workplace
  • peer recognition and support
  • leadership capability
  • measuring impact.

Using these priorities, we’re devising a two-year action plan for wellbeing at RSSB. It’s vital that we’re fully embedding health and wellbeing in our processes throughout the business, and this action plan will help make that a reality.