
Research Catalogue

Welcome to the RSSB research catalogue. The catalogue contains all projects from the 20+ years of the RSSB rail research programme. Please be mindful of the publication date when accessing findings and guidance.

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Research Project
End Date: 2025
How mobile phones can help drivers in their tasks, and the requirements these devices will need to meet. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
Understanding the combined influence of wheel slide protection system settings and contact conditions on the initiation of rail squat defects. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
An updated and enhanced model to help operators quantify knock-on risk. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
Potential benefits and use cases for fitting sensors on rolling stock and making use of the data. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
Establishing bespoke pass and fail thresholds for assessing the severity of colour vision deficiency in mainline train drivers, with respect to their… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Finding common approaches to wheel-rail interfaces for new tram-train services, aiming to cut costs and reduce uncertainty. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Helping industry to detect wagon defects using Wheel Impact Load Detector data, by automating and reporting the data analytics. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Developing and evaluating enzyme treatments for breaking down the black layer of leaf film that causes low adhesion on the railhead. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Understanding the effect of leaf type and condition, and environmental and operational factors, on the bonding strength of the black leaf film that… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
The first industry-wide survey to understand musculoskeletal disorders in front-line staff. Read More
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Applied filters: Complete (x) Underway (x) In Preparation (x) Safety (x) Capacity (x) Sustainability (x) Customer (x) Cost (x) Other - Safety and risk (x) Risk models (x) Wheel-rail interface (x) Attitudes and behaviour (x) Sustainable development (x) Infrastructure asset management (x) Train design - Components (x) Customer services for passengers (x) Health and wellbeing (x) Commercial dynamics of transport (x) Vehicle track dynamics (x) Movement of trains (x) Human performance (x) Station design (x) Other - Policy and decision making (x) Whole system design and modelling (x) Track design and components (x) Operation of road-rail interfaces including level crossings (x) Culture (x) Adhesion (x) Selection and training (x) Train design - Structure and crashworthiness (x) Data and communications systems (x) Adaptation to climate change (x) Other - Energy and electrification (x) Other - Control command and communication (x) Rolling stock maintenance (x) Human reliability (x) Structures (x) Security management (x) Traffic supervision and management (x) Equipment workplace and environmental design (x) Job design (x) Customer services for freight (x) Railways Interoperability (x) Braking systems (x) Stations management and passenger flow (x) Other - Rolling stock (x) Other - Operations (x) Rolling stock testing (x) Power supply (x) Social dynamics of transport (x) Rolling stock asset management (x) Operational Safety (x) Rolling stock condition monitoring and inspection (x) Value from data (x) Other - Infrastructure (x) Rolling stock passenger comfort (x) Other - People behaviour and health (x) Control and display systems (x) Future technologies (x) Aerodynamics (x) Energy collection systems (x) Overhead line equipment (x) Movement authorities and signalling systems (x) Other - Interfaces (x) Safety decision support (x) Safety data analysis (x) Rail Standardisation (x) Safety data collection (x) Education and competence (x) Accident investigation and learning (x) Rolling stock fire performance (x) Signalling - Train detection systems (x) Rolling stock interiors (x) CCC asset management (x) Revenue and ticketing (x) Electrical safety (x) Signalling - Train protection systems (x) Derailment (x) Keeping on-track staff safe (x) Signalling - People protection and warning systems including level crossings (x) CCC system integration and life cycle management (x) Gauging (x) Smart grids and energy harvesting (x) On board power supplies and monitoring (x) Human Factors in event reporting (x) Energy metering and billing (x) ADHERE (x) PERFORM (x) DECARB (x) CLEAR (x) FREIGHT (x) FUTURE RISK (x) RESILIENT (x) Clear date filter (x)



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Research Project
End Date: 2025
How mobile phones can help drivers in their tasks, and the requirements these devices will need to meet. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
Understanding the combined influence of wheel slide protection system settings and contact conditions on the initiation of rail squat defects. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
An updated and enhanced model to help operators quantify knock-on risk. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
Potential benefits and use cases for fitting sensors on rolling stock and making use of the data. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
Establishing bespoke pass and fail thresholds for assessing the severity of colour vision deficiency in mainline train drivers, with respect to their… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Finding common approaches to wheel-rail interfaces for new tram-train services, aiming to cut costs and reduce uncertainty. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Helping industry to detect wagon defects using Wheel Impact Load Detector data, by automating and reporting the data analytics. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Developing and evaluating enzyme treatments for breaking down the black layer of leaf film that causes low adhesion on the railhead. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Understanding the effect of leaf type and condition, and environmental and operational factors, on the bonding strength of the black leaf film that… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
The first industry-wide survey to understand musculoskeletal disorders in front-line staff. Read More
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Applied filters: Complete (x) Underway (x) In Preparation (x) Sustainability (x) Safety (x) Capacity (x) Cost (x) Customer (x) Customer services for passengers (x) Sustainable development (x) Adaptation to climate change (x) Energy collection systems (x) Braking systems (x) Train design - Components (x) Power supply (x) Traffic supervision and management (x) Future technologies (x) Wheel-rail interface (x) Adhesion (x) On board power supplies and monitoring (x) Customer services for freight (x) Value from data (x) Selection and training (x) Revenue and ticketing (x) Commercial dynamics of transport (x) Data and communications systems (x) Movement of trains (x) Attitudes and behaviour (x) Job design (x) Rolling stock testing (x) Other - Energy and electrification (x) Human performance (x) Human reliability (x) Culture (x) Health and wellbeing (x) Smart grids and energy harvesting (x) Vehicle track dynamics (x) Derailment (x) Movement authorities and signalling systems (x) Other - Infrastructure (x) Keeping on-track staff safe (x) Track design and components (x) Overhead line equipment (x) Other - Control command and communication (x) Infrastructure asset management (x) Other - Rolling stock (x) Train design - Structure and crashworthiness (x) Other - Policy and decision making (x) Whole system design and modelling (x) Railways Interoperability (x) Education and competence (x) Operation of road-rail interfaces including level crossings (x) Rolling stock interiors (x) Other - Operations (x) Signalling - Train detection systems (x) Safety decision support (x) Safety data analysis (x) CCC asset management (x) Control and display systems (x) Signalling - People protection and warning systems including level crossings (x) Rolling stock maintenance (x) CCC system integration and life cycle management (x) Security management (x) Stations management and passenger flow (x) Social dynamics of transport (x) Gauging (x) Electrical safety (x) Rolling stock asset management (x) Rolling stock passenger comfort (x) Risk models (x) Aerodynamics (x) Structures (x) Signalling - Train protection systems (x) Other - People behaviour and health (x) Other - Safety and risk (x) Station design (x) Accident investigation and learning (x) Human Factors in event reporting (x) Equipment workplace and environmental design (x) Operational Safety (x) Rolling stock condition monitoring and inspection (x) Rolling stock fire performance (x) Rail Standardisation (x) Other - Interfaces (x) Energy metering and billing (x) Safety data collection (x) DECARB (x) ADHERE (x) PERFORM (x) RESILIENT (x) CLEAR (x) FUTURE RISK (x) FREIGHT (x) Clear date filter (x)


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Innovation Project
End Date: 2023
Enabling electronic Very Short-Term Planning (VSTP) requests, to improve efficiency and streamline communication. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2021
G‐volution’s technology permits existing engines to be evolved to dual‐fuel powertrains without needing significant rebuilding of the vehicle. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2021
Applying machine learning from historical events and the current state of the railway to generate and validate new Very Short-Term Planning (VSTP)… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2021
Identification of unused train paths for use by freight services as part of the Very Short-Term Planning (VSTP) system. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2021
Construction of a hybrid powered very light rail demonstrator vehicle. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2020
Real-time performance measurement tool enabling the visualisation of service performance and passenger impact at an unpreceded level. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2020
The project will create an advanced braking control system which optimises the braking performance of the existing friction and dynamic braking. It… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
There are opportunities to improve the customer experience through improved tracking of passenger numbers. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
The configuration of ticket gatelines can result in unnecessary queueing and potential overcrowding. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
Cryogenic (dry ice) cleaning effectively removes oxide and leaf contamination from rail. This novel technology fires cryogenic pellets at the… Read More