
The functions and responsibilities of the TEG are to:

  • identify and consider matters of relevance and interest to the rail industry in its relevant technical fields.
  • make recommendations to the INS SC on matters affecting standards and National Technical Specification Notices (NSTNs) and support the development and implementation of relevant requirements in its technical fields.
  • monitor revisions of the SRT TSI and their applicability to GB railways and provide recommendations for the development of revisions to the SRT NSTN.
  • work with the standards committees, and other groups and committees, as appropriate, and the rail industry to commission and coordinate research and development in its relevant technical fields.
  • exchange papers, presentations, reports and roundtable discussions.
  • escalate any issues to the INS SC.


The TEG has members representing the following industry categories:

  • rolling stock owners and leasing companies
  • freight and other non-passenger train operator
  • infrastructure managers and owners
  • suppliers and rolling stock manufacturers
  • London Fire Brigade
  • RSSB.

Chair of committee: Jessal Murarji, My Invention Ltd
RSSB main representative:
Neil Dinmore