
The scope of the DISIC is defined in its remit and comprises:

  • Leadership in relevant areas of data governance required for the delivery of the Rail Technical Strategy (RTS), Joint Rail Data Action Plan (JRDAP) and Rail Sector Deal (RSD), including:
  • the development of an appropriate Information Management Framework for use within the rail industry
  • the development of a metadata structure suitable for the categorisation of datasets at a cross-industry level
  • the identification and, where appropriate, recommendation of existing data standards and protocols for adoption by the rail industry
  • the identification and, where appropriate, development of new data standards and protocols for adoption by the rail industry
  • Provision of guidance and support to the delivery of relevant areas of the RTS, JRDAP and RSD, namely:
  • the technical development of the Rail Data Marketplace
  • the technical development of a multi-modal National Access Point
  • the development of a methodology for valuing data and creating business cases for shareable data
  • the development of the necessary industry skills and culture that will lead to a data-driven railway.

The DISIC currently has three task and finish subgroups to support the above scope:

Data & Information System Interface Committee table of subgroups


The group's membership is made up of the following industry categories:

  • academia
  • Met Office
  • passenger train operators
  • rolling stock owners and leasing companies
  • freight and other non-passenger train operators
  • infrastructure managers and owners, suppliers and rolling stock manufacturers
  • RSSB
  • Department for Transport
  • Office of Rail and Road.

Chair of Committee: Karl Butler-Garnham, Network Rail Infrastructure Limited
RSSB main representative: Liz Davies