
SIC Chairs meeting happens on a quarterly basis to discuss, coordinate and resolve cross-SIC issues, agree appropriate actions in response to requests or direction from both the Technology Leadership Group (TLG) and the RSSB Board.

These meetings are also key to ensure that the work across all SICs covers the range of industry needs to optimise the management of technical interfaces and cross-system issues.

The SIC Protocol sets out a framework for the governance, operation and management of SICs and their subgroups.

Rail Leader Update – Research and Innovation

With the support of cross-industry group sand committees, we launched our ‘focused-on-freight’ research programme back in 2021 in response to calls from the sector for a dedicated pipeline of research. Freightliner is among the operators that are reaping the benefits of the £2.5m-plus research investment we’ve delivered so far to support the sector. The rail freight and logistics company has used our research to extend the length of their trains, a welcome advancement amid aspirations, both in the freight community and in government, to see more goods moved by rail. Could you benefit from our research too?
