
RED 66: always take the weather

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In Britain, more conversations take place about the weather than anything else – and we are never usually satisfied. It’ll be too hot, too cold, too wet or too windy. But our weather is changing, and the severity and frequency of weather-related events is only likely to increase.

RED 66, the latest episode, examines the challenges presented by each of the seasons. First up is low adhesion, a common problem for our industry as the summer fades into autumn. RSSB’s Ben Altman discusses not only the causes behind it but what’s being done to tackle it, including research into the benefits of double variable rate sanders on trains, and leaf-combatting enzymes.

DB Cargo’s Nick Edwards and RSSB’s Michael Woods discuss the potential for cooler, wetter winters in the future, coupled with some very severe cold spells. Nick describes the railway’s use of snow ploughs, the need for additional running brake tests during snowy conditions, and how driving in whiteout conditions forms part of driver training. Michael also points to the heightened risk of flooding during winter due to higher rain levels and snow and ice melting.

Our dramatisation takes us into the summer months, where confusion about a heat-induced speed restriction causes a SPAD. This results in the death of a train driver, who, keeping hydrated in the extreme heat, ends up desperately needing the loo when there were no welfare facilities.

Freightliner’s Jimmy Pettitt and RSSB train operations expert Philippa Murphy explain the nuances of the drama and some of the work being done to address the concerns it raises. Finally, the point is made that the summer can be as much about flooding as heat. The tragic accident at Carmont in August 2020 resulted in part from high levels of rainfall. We are very grateful to the Rail Accident Investigation Branch for speaking about this terrible incident with warmth and sensitivity.

The integrity of our assets will be tested by changing weather patterns. The cross-industry Asset Integrity Group is supporting all efforts, including Network Rail’s work on the use of in-service vehicles to monitor track condition. You can find out more about asset integrity in RED 62. RSSB’s webinar on the subject also considers these points and many more.

RED 66 is as thought-provoking as ever. Let it provoke thought in you.

Available to members and affiliates, our RED videos provide the rail workforce with awareness on a range of safety issues, to help reduce operational risk. Each episode conveys safety messages about railway operations with an emphasis on key learning points. RED is used in safety briefings and training sessions across the industry.

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