
The AIG is the cross-industry group dedicated to leading collaborative activity on the topic of infrastructure and rolling stock asset integrity. It does this by: 

  • setting strategy and standards, and providing leadership and coordination
  • enabling consistent understanding of safety requirements
  • collaborating to learn about emergent hazards and risks
  • enabling consistent assurance for supply chain and contractors
  • evening out and then enhancing safety assurance and competencies
  • responding to rail reorganisation (structures, devolution, nationalisation)using data analysis to measure what goes wrong, understand why and identify corrective actions.
Read our remit.

Task and finish groups

The AIG has established four task and finish groups to support and oversee relevant projects on the AIG roadmap. The four groups (and their respective chairs) are:

  • Reporting & Data Sharing (chaired by Neil Ovenden)
  • Knowledge Management (chaired by Steve Enright)
  • Systems Assurance (chaired by Brian Tomlinson)
  • Risk Modelling & Analysis (chaired by Tony Wilcock)

The progress we’re making

We’re raising standards
To improve reporting, analysis and corrective action, we have supported the Rail Industry Standard (RIS) development for Management of Control Command and Signalling (CCS) Subsystem Failures, Faults and Defects. Read more about RISs and find out about the DRACAS steering group.

The roadmap for the creation of a National Control, CCS DRACAS has been published. Prepared with the support from stakeholder organisations, it provides a structured pathway to the National CCS DRACAS in place as specified in the revised standard RIS-0707-CCS, due to be published in September 2023.

The roadmap is a key element of the realisation of the National CCS DRACAS system, which, with cross industry participation and commitment, promises to deliver multi-million-pound benefits to UK rail.

This is an important part of AIG’s work seeking to improve the understanding of asset performance and condition and capturing and applying industry critical system and asset management knowledge.

Cyber security for railway asset managers
Cyber security is important for railway operations. This report explains why it is important for safe and secure rail operations. It includes references to standards, legislation and guidance.


Last updated: 24/05/2024



The group’s membership is made up of the following industry categories:

  • infrastructure managers 
  • non-passenger train operators
  • passenger train operators
  • rolling stock owners 
  • suppliers
  • RSSB

Following its formation at the start of 2020, the AIG will be increasing membership as it implements its workplan. This will include its subgroup, High Integrity Systems Group.

Chair: George Bearfield, Rock Rail Holdings Limited
RSSB main representative: Chris Knowles