
Data Insights

    What are data insights?

    • Benefits for GB rail
      Data insights will deliver value by answering questions set by industry. Member involvement means that we’ll deliver great value and answer the questions that will drive change and have the biggest impact on safety and performance.
    • Data Insights Sprints

      RSSB are running data insight sprints to analyse key safety risk areas and support the delivery of the Rail Health and Safety Strategy. The sprints combine our knowledge and expertise and apply leading analytical tools and techniques in data science to provide valuable insights.

    • Data Privacy

      We will only utilise data when we are analysing potential opportunities to deliver improvements in the rail industry.

      We will ensure that any data analysis and generated outputs are compliant with data sharing and commercial agreements that are in place.

      We will only input personal identifiable data into a model where it is absolutely necessary. When doing so, we will ensure that outputs are aggregated to a level that does not permit personal data to be viewed.

    • Data Ownership
      Our analysis will typically involve the ingestion of datasets which have been provided by RSSB members and affiliates, rail industry bodies, and other third parties. While we are not responsible for the quality of the data received, we will monitor this to ensure there is no data drift.
    • Honest Algorithms
      We will ensure that we produce reliable outputs from our data analyses, and design investigations, develop models, and deploy them in a manner that removes potential bias.
    • Scope and Governance
      Ideas for DI analysis are assessed and selected through a set criteria which focus on delivering the maximum value to industry. To find out more about this process visit our Data Insights Scope and Governance page.
    • Propose an idea
      Ideas for analysis come from RSSB and the wider industry. To find out more about this process visit our 'Propose a Data Insights idea' page.

    Data Insights articles

    Earthworks Data Insights
    Objects On the Line Data Insights
    Station Safety during the Covid-19 Pandemic
    Track Worker Safety Data Insights
    SPAD Data Insights
    Covid-19 Data Insights
    Depot Safety Data Insights
    Haven’t found what you’re looking for?
    Get in touch with our Director of Data Insights for further information.
    Mike Briggs