
SPAD Good Practice Guide


    • What is SPAD risk ranking and how is it determined?

    Key SPAD areas

    Helping Drivers to Manage SPAD Risk

    Driving a train is a safety critical role that takes commitment, responsibility, and focus. You can take steps to reduce the risk of operational incidents, including managing your lifestyle outside of work, arriving to work prepared, and being aware of how you can improve in areas such as attention management and communication.

    Improving Competence Management

    Reviews of over 250 SPADs help pin-point the competence management issues and enables targeted improvements to be made. An article on competence development planning should help make sure your drivers are fully supported.

    Managing Infrastructure Operations and Engineering

    A recent review of SPAD risk underlines the importance of managing change and the need to avoid unintended consequences.

    Article: Managing SPADs during operational and engineering change
    Article: Improving Management of Multi-SPAD Signals
    RIS: Appendix B - RIS-8040-TOM Iss 1- Low Adhesion between the Wheel and the Rail - Managing the Risk

    Other Operational Roles

    Articles here look at the role others such as the signaller, dispatcher and guard in preventing SPADs. We have a look at the topic of spoken safety critical communications as this is a key skills across all operational roles.

    SPAD investigation

    Getting the most from your SPAD investigations is critical to changes being made that permanently reduces SPAD risk.

    Driver Management and SPADs

    Well-managed and properly supported drivers are vital to how we manage SPAD risk. A fresh look at research and good practice around driver management will help us make sure that we can best support drivers to prevent SPADs and how to learn from them when they do happen.

    SPAD Data Analysis

    SPAD data ‘deep-dives’ are increasingly being used to understand changing patterns in SPAD risk, this topic looks at various examples at company and industry levels.

       Article: Summer SPADs – Deep Dive 2022  
    •   Article:  Looking at Precursors to Anticipate SPAD Risk
       Article:  SPAD Data insights

    Evaluating SPAD management

    This tool looks at SPAD management from several perspectives. Users can consider how the potential for SPADs are managed by the influence of driver managers, through competence management and during times of change, the impact of other operational roles and the actions of the driver, as well as tackling the causes of SPADs.

    Article: Evaluating SPAD management
    Tool: SPAD Self-Evaluation Toolkit

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    Get in touch with our Strategy Implementation Manager - Train Operations for further information.
    Joe Wilson
    Joe Wilson