GERT8000-S4 ERTMS Iss 2
Trains or shunting movements detained, or vehicles left on ERTMS running lines
This module has been issued, taking into consideration amendments to the relevant national Rule Book (GERT8000), ERTMS Amendments module (GERT800-AM ERTMS) and Network Rail Western Route ERTMS Periodic Operating Notice (PON) supplement. You will need this module if you work on an ERTMS line and carry out the duties of a driver or signaller. Document withdrawn on 05/12/2015 with information transferred to National equivalent where necessary.
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Rule Book Modules:
- Issued:
- 07/12/2013
- Published:
- 07/12/2013
- In Force:
- 07/12/2013
- Withdrawn:
- 05/12/2015
Consultation Status | Closed |
Vehicle Assessment | No |
Supersedes | GERT8000-S4 ERTMS Iss 1 |
Lead Committee | Traffic Operation and Management - TOM |
Supporting Committee | Control Command and Signalling - CCS |
Impact Assessments
Registered |
15 IA13 |
Supporting Documents | GERT8000-RBBL Iss 28 |