
GERT8000-TW4 Iss 1

Preparation and working of freight trains


You will need this module if you carry out the duties of the following in relation to freight trains: train driver, guard, shunter or train preparer.

Summary Of Changes

The Working Manual for Rail Staff - Freight Train Operations (GORT3056) has been withdrawn. The contents that are relevant to drivers, guards, shunters and train preparers have now been included as sections 1 to 8 of this new module.

The Working Manual for Rail Staff - Handling and Carriage of Dangerous Goods (GORT3053) and its associated guidance note, Guidance on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (GOGN3676) have been withdrawn. The contents that are relevant to drivers, guards, shunters and train preparers have now been included as sections 9 and 10 of this new module.

The Working Manual for Rail Staff Handling and Carriage of Dangerous Goods - Appendix 2 - Bulk Traffic Dangerous Goods, Wagon and Container Separation Distance Requirements / Prohibitions has been withdrawn and its contents now appear in section 9.5 of this module.

The wording and format have been changed into the style of the Rule Book, but the requirements have not been changed with a few exceptions shown in the detailed changes with black lines.

The titles of some sections have been changed to be consistent with the style of the Rule Book.
In most cases, references to 'vehicles' have been changed to 'wagons' to make it clear that it is only wagons that are being referred to.

The 12 month review of this document is now complete. No further action.

Optional reading and resources:

National Operations Publications

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Rule Book Modules: Train working (TW)
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Consultation Status Closed
Vehicle Assessment No
Supersedes GORT3056 Iss 5.1, GORT3053 Iss 6.1, GORT3053-2 Iss 6, GOGN3676 Iss 3
Superseded By GERT8000-TW4 Iss 1.1
Lead Committee Traffic Operation and Management - TOM
Supporting Committee Rolling Stock - RST; Plant - PLT
Briefing Notes 21 BN09
Impact Assessments
21 IA06; 21 IA07
Supporting Documents GERT8000-RBBL Iss 35 ; GERT8000-Issue Iss 32