Company - Crossrail

How was this solved?

Learning Legacy is the collation and dissemination of good, practice, innovation and lessons learned from the Crossrail construction programme.

The Crossrail Learning Legacy follows the lead of the London 2012 Learning Legacy and contributes to an overall body of knowledge on major construction projects. It aims to share:

  • Knowledge and insight gained during the lifetime of the programme that may be of benefit to future projects and programmes
  • Documents and templates that have been used successfully on the programme that can be ‘pinched with pride’ by other projects
  • Datasets that can inform future research projects
  • The experts behind the delivery of the Crossrail programme

The Learning Legacy content published on the website shares tools, templates and processes developed as part of the Crossrail Management System. These are intended for use or modification by future projects. Development will continue until 2019 and will include contributions from the delivery partners, supply chain and frameworks.

The Crossrail learning legacy has developed in collaboration with industry partners such as professional associations and industry bodies and includes a series of knowledge sharing events and publication of a number of papers in academic journals.

Crossrail is also working in collaboration with academic partners to coordinate research projects as well as to adapt the learning legacy material for use in school lessons and university lectures.

The material is shared for use by other major projects and is relevant to clients, corporates, and suppliers from main contractors to small and medium enterprises. It will be of particular interest to the transport and construction sectors however much of the learning legacy will be applicable to other sectors.

The Learning Legacy Framework is shared for future projects to take forward their own learning legacies.

The Framework is set around 12 key themes:

  • Project and Programme Management
  • Procurement
  • Authorisations and Consents
  • Land and Property
  • Health and Safety
  • Environment
  • Engineering
  • Operations
  • Talent and Resources
  • External Affairs
  • Innovation
  • Information Management and Technology

There are a number of topic areas within these themes.

The framework has defined a series of document types that can be presented for any topic:

  • Good Practice Documents: are documents, templates and processes used successfully on the programme.
  • Micro-Reports: are short insight reports sharing learning, innovation or good practice from the programme and published as a learning legacy page on the website.
  • Case Studies: are peer-reviewed 6-8 page insight reports including an analysis of what was delivered on Crossrail, how successful it was, lessons learned and recommendations for future projects and programmes.
  • Technical Papers: capture what was delivered without the in-depth review of performance that the case studies have.
  • Research Summaries: are a summary of research outcomes from research undertaken by an academic institution on the Crossrail programme.

What were the outcomes?

The website was launched in February 2016 with 169 items. This was planned to grow to nearly 500 by March 2017, and to continue to grow until the end of the project.


Supporting the economy, Optimising the railway, Being transparent

Asset / operations


Organisation type
