
The functions and responsibilities of NOI TSI/NTSN MG are to work with RSSB to make recommendations to RST SC with regards to:

  • Proposals to change NTSNs and TSIs, including the implications of NTSN and TSI changes on national technical rules.
  • Comments on NTSNs and TSIs to be channelled the GB sector representative to influence TSI development and RSSB as the organisation managing NTSN changes.
  • Whether to align or diverge NTSN requirements from TSI requirements, aligning with relevant strategies approved by RST SC, wider sector strategies and government policy.
  • The need to develop GB specific cases in the NTSN and associated national technical rules, and make recommendations to RST SC.
  • NTSN changes drafted by RSSB and associated analysis developed by RSSB.
  • Interim or permanent solutions to address relevant NTSN challenges and issues, and how to codify them in the NTSN issues log.

Where necessary and required, the WAG TSI/NTSN MG consults with other TSI/NTSN mirror groups, predominantly the LOC/PAS TSI/NTSN MG and NOI TSI/NTSN MG, and other industry groups on related interface matters to ensure consistency between subsystems. 


The composition of the NOI TSI/NTSN MG may consist of representation from:

  • Non-passenger train operators
  • Infrastructure managers and owners
  • Rolling stock owners and leasing companies
  • Infrastructure contractors
  • Suppliers, including entities in charge of maintenance (ECMs), and rolling stock manufacturers
  • Passenger train operators (optional)
  • Department for Transport (as observers)
  • Office of Rail and Road (as observers).

Chair of committee: Dan Hamm, RSSB