
Podcast highlights: Season 2, Episode 3

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Thom Rawson is RSSB’s Sustainable Rail Principal. He joined us this month to discuss the Sustainable Rail Blueprint. Thom covered its impact so far, how we’re helping rail embed its important principles, and the next steps.

The launch of the Sustainable Rail Blueprint marked a major move towards a greener future for rail. It focuses on reducing emissions, protecting the environment, and fostering social sustainability. 

The Blueprint, says Thom, is a single industry-wide sustainability plan. It was developed through extensive co-creation. It will be maintained with that same ‘spirit of collaboration’. And it’s now a reference point for organisations to align their sustainability strategies.

Looking ahead, Thom encourages companies to try the beta release of the Sustainability Maturity Tool. This allows them to assess their sustainability efforts over time. An e-learning course on sustainable rail will further support rail companies. That’s set to be ready by the end of summer.

To listen to the full episode, click the button below.

Key takeaways

  • The Sustainable Rail Blueprint outlines a long-term vision for rail’s sustainability efforts. It launched at the end of 2023. 
  • It’s a central reference for rail organisations to align their sustainability strategies. Companies like Southeastern and Colas Rail are already on board. 
  • We’ve introduced the Sustainability Maturity Tool, currently in beta release. This will help businesses measure and enhance their sustainability practices. 
  • An e-learning course on sustainable rail is in development. It’s aimed at educating industry colleagues. 
  • A data framework is also being created. That will help track and report on rail’s sustainability performance. In turn, this will enable benchmarking and evidence-based advocacy for rail transport. 
  • Securing investment remains a challenge. But Thom stresses the need to integrate sustainability into existing and future infrastructure investments. 

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