
 The scope of the V/TC&C SIC is defined in its remit and includes:

  • Maintaining performance and availability of currently deployed systems and investigating the potential for new systems. 
  • Adding value to existing assets by ensuring that at the interface the most cost-effective solution is sought, compatible with balancing the needs of safety and performance.
  • Utilising research to investigate new technology as well as improving the interface.
  • Delivering strategic research programmes to the Technical Strategy Leadership Group.
  • Proposing new, and changes to, Railway Group Standards and Guidance Notes.
  • Sustaining the life of current systems and carrying out research to support future developments.

F-CCS Industry Vision and Policy

Created in partnership with the industry by the F-CCS Guiding Body, and endorsed by the Technical Leadership Group, the F-CCS Industry Vision and Policy  establishes an industry vision for future train control systems. It provides a vision, and associated policies and guidance, for each of five overarching objectives for future train control: Sustainability; Capacity; Performance; Safety and Security; International Marketability and Supply Chain Continuity. It is intended to serve as a continual reminder of what each stakeholder should deliver in order to fulfil its obligations and validate the direction of travel of the industry.

V/TC&C SIC are providing sponsorship and ownership of the F-CCS Industry Vision and Policy, assuming responsibility for:

  • Communicating, and encouraging adoption of, the document.
  • Providing practical advice and assistance to stakeholders in implementing the document.
  • Maintaining and ensuring cross industry access to the document.

For any questions, requests for advice, or suggestions related to document maintenance, please contact the Industry Groups Manager via the customer portal.
