
Read Right Track 39, the 10th Anniversary Edition

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Now we are 10.

With this issue, Right Track is 10 years old. At times like this, editorial teams tend to look back on major scoops, big interviews, and editors past and present. For us at RSSB though, the emphasis is on something different—the corporate memory of our industry.

Many of our technological advances – in safety terms, at least – have come out of accident investigations, which have led to recommendations and the cycle of ‘investigate, report, recommend, track’. And that’s created something like a ‘memory’ for us all.

But that doesn’t mean learning is easy. How many times have you hit your thumb hanging a picture, told yourself you’ll never do that again, only to put on a repeat performance the very next day? I know I have. And if I thought about it, I could probably repeat the run of swear words I uttered exactly.

In a company, learning is even harder. Companies are made up of many different memories, which don’t always interface perfectly, and which can change as staff retire, move on or move in from elsewhere. When you expand the idea to a complete industry like rail, it becomes even more complicated.

One thing I’m always saying in my job is that we combat complacency with continued vigilance. And we do; in a fluid industry like ours, it’s the only way. This is often where RSSB comes in with our RED safety videos, presentations…and Right Track.

With this commemorative issue, and future editions, we’ll continue to tell the stories of the past, the present and the future, to help you retain the knowledge you need to keep safe every day.

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Greg Morse
Greg Morse
Tel: 020 3142 5467