
Road Driving for a Safer Railway - The DfBB Gap Analysis Tool

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In this episode Simon Turner, Programme Manager for Driving for Better Business, talks about the DfBB Gap Analysis Tool. About what it can do to help rail industry companies to identify whether they are meeting legal requirements, and to better manage road driving risk.

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Topics in this episode include:

  • Simon talks about Driving for Better Business and its objectives. How it helps business to understand their legal requirements and the range of benefits that can also come from a better managed vehicle fleet.  [0:52]
  • Simon talks about some of the rail industry and national statistics for road driving accidents when driving for work.  [2:34]
  • Simon talks about what DfBB does to help employers manage their road driving risk. Communicating the minimum legal requirements, sharing good practice, and providing a range of tools to assess your current management practices.  [4:06]
  • Simon describes how the DfBB framework helps to benchmark, carry out a gap analysis, and provides a bank of resources to help improve.  [4:45]
  • Simon talks specifically about the DfBB Gap Analysis Tool and how it can help identify what and where improvements to road risk management can be made. This includes the minimum legal requirements, and industry accepted good practice.  [6:24]
  • Simon answers a question about how the Gap Analysis Tool can be used by all businesses, regardless of fleet size or make-up. He talks about a rail-specific section of the tool on procured transport, which includes taxis and rail replacement bus services.  [8:23]
  • Simon talks about the most common gaps that he has seen when companies use the tool. Many of these centre around road driving policies.  [9:55]
  • Simon talks about the potential consequences for companies that don't apply policies correctly. He gives an example from the rail industry where a heavy fine and costs were imposed.  [11:35]
  • Simon talks about the increased number of 'stops' by the authorities, and the potential disruption to business activities. He gives an example of the age requirements for drivers who are towing. He talks about Operation Tramline and how many of the drivers it catches are van drivers using mobile phones.
  • Simon tells us where the Gap Analysis Tool and links to the useful resources that will help fill the gaps identified.  Also, the offline version that has been created specifically for the rail industry to use for planning and collaboration.  [15:13]
  • Close.  [16:18]

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