
Research Catalogue

Welcome to the RSSB research catalogue. The catalogue contains all projects from the 20+ years of the RSSB rail research programme. Please be mindful of the publication date when accessing findings and guidance.

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Research Project
End Date: 2024
Developing guidance for duty holders and occupational health specialists on how to meet requirements set out in medical standards. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Equipping the industry with a scientific approach to assessing and quantifying the impact of heavier axle weight vehicles on a route-level basis. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
To design and implement an automatic/semi-automatic method for updating the berth-to-signal mapping, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of the… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Research into developing a real-time energy management system to better manage supply and demand of power on electrified routes. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Reviewing existing instructions and practices used during driver-controlled operation, and using this evidence base to identify safe and efficient… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Identifying opportunities to improve successful deployment of innovations, while decreasing the time and efforts put into testing. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Exploring the automation of interface processes between Traffic Management and Crew & Stock Systems. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Finding the right level of standardisation to cut costs, increase long term flexibility, and ensure safety. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Developing good practice guidance to optimise the practice of securing freight wagons and avoid drag-brake and runaway events. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Research into how standards governing route knowledge will need to change as ETCS is rolled out across GB rail. Read More
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Research Project
End Date: 2002
This project investigated the feasibility of detecting rail flaws and other track faults by acoustically measuring the rolling noise generated by the… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2002
This project addresses the recommendations made by Lord Cullen in his first report on the Ladbroke Grove Rail Inquiry, relating to communication… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2002
Examining how a variety of transport maintenance organisations manage competence, highlighting areas for improvement that could improve railway… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2002
Surveying alcohol and drug policies in other industries involved in safety-critical work, identifying their strengths and weaknesses and comparing… Read More
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Applied filters: Complete (x) Underway (x) In Preparation (x) Sustainability (x) Safety (x) Capacity (x) Cost (x) Customer (x) Customer services for passengers (x) Sustainable development (x) Adaptation to climate change (x) Energy collection systems (x) Braking systems (x) Train design - Components (x) Power supply (x) Traffic supervision and management (x) Future technologies (x) Wheel-rail interface (x) Adhesion (x) On board power supplies and monitoring (x) Customer services for freight (x) Value from data (x) Selection and training (x) Revenue and ticketing (x) Commercial dynamics of transport (x) Data and communications systems (x) Movement of trains (x) Attitudes and behaviour (x) Job design (x) Rolling stock testing (x) Other - Energy and electrification (x) Human performance (x) Human reliability (x) Culture (x) Health and wellbeing (x) Smart grids and energy harvesting (x) Vehicle track dynamics (x) Derailment (x) Movement authorities and signalling systems (x) Other - Infrastructure (x) Keeping on-track staff safe (x) Track design and components (x) Overhead line equipment (x) Other - Control command and communication (x) Infrastructure asset management (x) Other - Rolling stock (x) Train design - Structure and crashworthiness (x) Other - Policy and decision making (x) Whole system design and modelling (x) Railways Interoperability (x) Education and competence (x) Operation of road-rail interfaces including level crossings (x) Rolling stock interiors (x) Other - Operations (x) Signalling - Train detection systems (x) Safety decision support (x) Safety data analysis (x) CCC asset management (x) Control and display systems (x) Signalling - People protection and warning systems including level crossings (x) Rolling stock maintenance (x) CCC system integration and life cycle management (x) Security management (x) Stations management and passenger flow (x) Social dynamics of transport (x) Gauging (x) Electrical safety (x) Rolling stock asset management (x) Rolling stock passenger comfort (x) Risk models (x) Aerodynamics (x) Structures (x) Signalling - Train protection systems (x) Other - People behaviour and health (x) Other - Safety and risk (x) Station design (x) Accident investigation and learning (x) Human Factors in event reporting (x) Equipment workplace and environmental design (x) Operational Safety (x) Rolling stock condition monitoring and inspection (x) Rolling stock fire performance (x) Rail Standardisation (x) Other - Interfaces (x) Energy metering and billing (x) Safety data collection (x) DECARB (x) ADHERE (x) PERFORM (x) RESILIENT (x) CLEAR (x) FUTURE RISK (x) FREIGHT (x) Clear date filter (x)


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Innovation Project
End Date: 2016
We need alternative forms of train power to diesel for areas where electrification cannot be justified. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2016
We need alternative forms of train power (diesel) for areas where electrification cannot be justified. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2016
Feasibility study to develop a concept design and establish the merits of a Fuel Cell Electric Multiple Unit (FCEMU). Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2016
Construction of a diesel‐electric hybrid power‐pack for efficient self-powered rail vehicles.  Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2001
We need to respond to significant congestion in stations, particularly at gate-lines, which can lead to safety and crowd control issues as well as… Read More