
Research Catalogue

Welcome to the RSSB research catalogue. The catalogue contains all projects from the 20+ years of the RSSB rail research programme. Please be mindful of the publication date when accessing findings and guidance.

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Research Project
End Date: 2026
This study aims to understand the uncertainty in people’s perceptions of rail transit experience and investigate how these uncertainties impact… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2026
A framework for capturing and assessing customer feedback in the rail industry to help understand passenger experience in greater depth. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2026
A PhD studentship looking at how contaminated rail conditions change with the weather, as well as how contamination develops and the linked changes to… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
A PhD studentship to explore how digital systems for late technology adopting passengers can be improved or adapted, in order to overcome barriers. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
Developing a validated model capable of predicting the growth of rolling contact damage on GB railways. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
A PhD studentship to improve understanding of low adhesion friction in transience, and develop an on-train prediction system. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
A seat comfort specification to include seat parameters assessing comfort for trains that are in motion. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
Research in response to Recommendation 12 of the RAIB Rail Accident Report into the derailment of a passenger train at Carmont, Aberdeenshire on 12… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
Understanding how the introduction of assisted braking and door operation changes the operational profile of the railway. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2025
A set of tools and guidance to align carbon data and accounting across the rail industry and its supply chain. Read More
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Research Project
End Date: 2024
A review of current sectional running times against freight train capabilities to determine whether capacity benefits can be gained. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Do regulations on window box clearance - the gaps between train windows and surrounding structures - match current risks? Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Research to develop and pilot a performance measurement system that will collect agreed health indicators and trial reporting, benchmarking, and… Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Updating the Track Circuit Assistor - Risk Advisor Tool to reflect the current GB passenger fleet and new traction types. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Looking at the impact of opening new through stations on demand on exisiting lines, to improve demand forecasting. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Developing a version of the LABRADOR low adhesion train braking simulation software that is capable of running in real time. Read More
Research Project
T1303 / COF-ARF
End Date: 2024
Assessing aerodynamic risk from freight trains, to identify whether and how freight train speeds above 75 mph could be accommodated. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
A review of the effectiveness of operators’ policies on the unauthorised presence of mobile smart devices in the driver's cab. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
AI could help deliver earlier warnings of low adhesion conditions, helping staff make better, more evidence-based decisions about mitigation. Read More
Research Project
End Date: 2024
Developing guidance for duty holders and occupational health specialists on how to meet requirements set out in medical standards. Read More
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Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
A robust, simple and low-cost solution to deliver improvements in adhesion by delivering a small amount of water to the rails in front of the train in… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
This braking solution uses known technology in a novel way to improve train braking performance, even in low-adhesion conditions. The 'Zero Wheel Slip… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
Understanding what causes stress for passengers on their Northern rail journeys. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
WiFi data transmission speeds between trackside and train do not provide sufficient capacity to support the government's commitment to WiFi for all… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
Using plasma technology to clear the residue from railhead, returning the surface to a dry, clean and uncontaminated state with detriment to the rail… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
Construction of a hybrid powered very light rail demonstrator vehicle. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2019
A new type of high-efficiency hydraulic transmission for diesel powered rail vehicles that enables the recovery of braking energy. Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2018
Department for Transport 2015 Transport and Disability statistics report 9 per cent of adults as having a mobility difficulty. However, Transport For… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2018
Use of Flywheel Technology as energy storage to create a hybrid flywheel powertrain to reduce emissions and fuel consumption by recovering braking… Read More
Innovation Project
End Date: 2018
The existing passenger assistance process is fundamentally flawed and is preventing disabled passengers from accessing the UK rail network. Read More